Friday, December 9, 2011

High Country Bernese

Winter is finally here at 6,500 feet in the Utah Rockies. Powder Keg Farm is winterized now, irrigation blown out, faucets drained, barn insulated, straw for the dogs to sleep in place, it was -2 degrees F yesterday, just a sample of things to come. The golden leaves, now brown, crowd the field, blowing to and fro in anticipation of their white blanket soon to come. Nothing more excited than a group of Bernese on a cold mountain morning, racing across fields in coordinated mayhem, tossing, turning, leaping in fun, like a group of snow otters, tails furiously wagging in pure joy. The great formations of geese who, loudly calling, floated into the oat fields to dine, are now gone South, only the resident ducks and geese in small groups find their way into the hard fields. The finely attired red foxes stalk quickly across the field, pausing frequently to listen and listen and listen some more and finally leaping high into the air, pouncing on an unsuspecting vole or mouse. A fine white ermine, too white still for the surroundings, scurries across the road, dartly into every hole and crack in search of breakfast while the great bull elk who winter in this area are slowly working their way down from the moutain heights and will eventually spend the heart of winter low down in the fields, digging up stalks of alfalfa to survive the worst to come. Steamy breath rising high in the air, winter is here in Park City.

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